Children require a strong foundation when developing their motor skills. Without the foundation, it is often difficult to move on to other skills. It is important to work with each child at where they are at in their motor development. This workshop will guide Early Childhood Educators in their understanding and support of motor skill development.

Learning Outcomes: Early Childhood Educators will be able to:

  • explain muscle tone and core strength, as well as, the difference between the two and they should be able to recognize low muscle tone and poor core strength.
  • explain why core strength is important.
  • incorporate activities into daily life that will facilitate stronger core muscle strength.
  • explain “crossing midline”, how it develops and why it is an important foundational skill.
  • identify when a child is having difficulty crossing midline.
  • incorporate activities into daily life that will facilitate strong crossing midline skills.
  • determine when a child may need more support in developing these foundational motor skills and who to ask for help or recommend to families.

Certificate of Participation for 2.0 hours upon completion