Working with children and keeping them safe emotionally and physically requires that Early Childhood Educators are skillful and intentional in their guiding techniques. Guiding practices can be significantly influenced by values and beliefs systems that can ultimately impact relationships, understanding of child development and programming and curriculum. This workshop helps Early Childhood Educators reflect on their values to ensure current practices are used to support the guidance of children and their well-being in our early childhood programs.
Learning Outcomes:
Educators will increase their understanding of:
· what guidance is and what it is not
· the guidance pyramid and how values impact all levels of the upper level of the pyramid.
· Understanding the difference between behavioural theory and practice versus attachment theory and practice
· A Grade 9 students story of perspective and seeing things from an alternate lens of curiosity.
· The Early Learning Framework and reflecting on guidance in practice.
Certificate of Participation for 2.0 hours upon completion.