Increasing numbers of children are seen benefitting from communication tools and would benefit from more people modelling for them and using them alongside to enhance oral messages (e.g. children with ASD, apraxia, dysarthria, and other speech and language delays). Early childhood educators (ECEs) are often taught the value of visual schedules for their classroom and this tool is just one of many different options for enhancing access to language information for all children in the classroom. This workshop will help enhance ECE skills and knowledge around how to increase participation for children with diverse communication needs 

Learning Outcomes: Early Childhood Educators will:

-  become more familiar with AAC systems for their classroom and be willing to model for children with communication differences using these systems

-  better understand how to incorporate AAC and visual supports into a myriad of daily routines and activities in their daycare or preschool

- know the difference between visual supports and AAC and be able to give examples of each

- increase their understanding of the power and value of multi-modal communication in the classroom

Certificate of Participation for 2.0 hours upon completion.

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