Many children with complex behaviours and neurodiversity are struggling with chronic dysregulation. Chronic dysregulation reflects how the child’s brain development, including the developing brain-body stress response system, has been influenced by a child’s prenatal/post natal and early years experiences.  

 It is important for early childhood educators to understand the brain-body stress response system so that they can explore the many potential underlying causes of a child’s dysregulation and effective neuro-developmental approaches that will support the child’s capacity to regulate and the parent’s capacity to co-regulate the child/youth.   

Learning Outcomes: ECE participants will understand the:

  • Types & Prevalence of Trauma (Toxic Stress)
  • Core Story of Brain Development
  • The Sequential Process of Building Brains
  • Sensitive Periods of Brain Building
  • The Impact of Experiences on Building Brains
  • Relational Interactions Influence Brain Development
  • How to Support Children with Challenging Behaviour

Certificate of Participation for 2.0 Hours upon completion.

  First Section
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days after you enroll