Communication and language (e.g., actions, gestures, movements, vocalizations, sounds, words) is more than just using words. Behaviour is communication when children cannot access their 'upstairs brain' or cognitive resources. Communicating effectively when dysregulated or overstimulated, with different people, in different situations and for different reasons, such as ECEs see in the classroom setting, is not always possible for young children. This workshop explores how ECEs, have a direct impact on supporting and/or inhibiting a child’s communication development through interpreting and responding appropriately to communication actions and ‘behaviour’

Learning Outcomes: Early Childhood Educators will:

  • identify the different ways that children are communicating non verbally
  • better understand the reasons behind why a child is communicating through their behaviour
  • feel more confident responding to a child who is communicating with ‘behaviours’
  • identify when a child is regulated and ready to use the full spectrum of their communication skills
  • feel more comfortable engaging in back and forth interactions with children who are non-verbal
  • feel more confident adapting language level to enhance learning of each child according to their communication skills and meaningful language models

Certificate of Participation for 2.0 Hours upon completion.


  Learning Format
Available in days
days after you enroll